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Early Grayson Families

Our definition of Early Families of Grayson is any individual or family who resided in Grayson County during 1840 or earlier; this includes land owners, slaves, tenants, merchants, etc. Most of the names mentioned below fit that definition and had descendants that stayed in the county for several generations.

Research into the early families of Grayson is difficult because many of the records that researchers depend on were destroyed, are incomplete, or never existed. These facts make it challenging to determine who was in Grayson, where they came from, and identify their descendants.

GCVHF Members’ Surnames Research

Following is a list of the surnames being researched by GCVHF members. The list is presented in alphabetical order and includes multiple spellings seen and used for many of these surnames. Remember that a different spelling does not mean that there are different lineages. (Revised Sep 2020)

  1. Adams, Akers, Akins, Alderman, Anderson, Ashley, Atkins, Austin
  2. Bagwell, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Barker, Bartley, Barton, Basham, Bastin, Bedsaul, Bell, Bennett, Bennington, Berry, Billings, Blackburn, Blackwell, Blankenbeckler, Blankenship, Blevins, Blizzard, Bobbitt, Boltwood, Bonham, Bourne, Bower, Bowman, Boyer, Brading, Brendle, Brewer, Brinegar, Brooks, Brown, Bryan, Bryant, Buchanan, Bunce, Burton, Burwell, Busic, Button, Byrd
  3. Calhoun, Callaway, Calloway, Campbell, Cannoy, Canute, Carnutt, Carrico, Catron, Chapman, Cheeve, Childers, Clark, Coker, Coleman, Collins, Combs, Comer, Cooley, Cornet, Cornett, Cornute, Cornutt, Costigan, Cox, Creekmore, Crigger, Crouse, Crow
  4. Davis, DeBoard, Delk, Delp, Delph, Dennett, Denney, Dewey, Dickson, Dixon, Dolianger, Dolinger, Doran, Doughton, Dove, Doyle, Dudson, Duncan, Dunford, Dunivan,Dunivant, Dunn
  5. Easter, Edmondson, Edwards, Eller, Elliot, Elliott, Elmore
  6. Farmer, Ferree, Field, Fields, Fisher, Fletcher, Floyd, Fowlkes, Francis, Fredrick, Free, Frost, Fulks, Funk 
  7. Gambill, Goodwin, Gore, Gose, Graybeal, Greear, Green, Greer, Griffitts, Gross, Grubb
  8. Hackler, Haga, Hale, Hall, Halsey, Ham, Hamm, Hampton, Hampton, Hanks, Harmon, Harris, Hart, Hash, Hawkins, Hawks, Hayes, Hays, Hechler, Higgins, Hines, Holdaway, Holland, Hollingsworth, Hopkins, Howell, Hubbard
  9. Iscer, Isom
  10. Jackson, James, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Judd
  11. Kegley, Kettenring, Kilby, Kirk, Koontz
  12. Landreth, Lane, Laxton, Lee, Leonard, Lewis, Livesay, Long, Lovelace, Loveless, Low, Lowe, Lundy
  13. Macdonell, Marsh, Martin, Matthews, May, Mays, McDaniel, McGimsey, McKenzie, McKnight, McMillan, McMillian, Meekins, Merriman, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Moxley, Mullen, Murphy, Murray, Murry
  14. Nall, Napier, Neaves, Nelson, Nichols, Nuckolls
  15. O’Brien, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Owen
  16. Paisley, Parke, Parker, Parks, Parrott, Parsons, Patton, Peak, Pearson, Penix, Pennington, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Phipps, Pierce, Pierson, Platt, Plummer, Pool, Poole, Pope, Porter, Powell, Powers, Preston, Privett, Pugh, Purkey
  17. Ray, Rector, Reedy, Reeves, Retherford, Rhudy, Richardson, Rimer, Ring, Roark, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Roop, Roope, Rose, Ross, Roten, Royce, Rupard, Russell, Rutherford
  18. Sage, Selden, Sells, Senter, Sexton, Shew, Shuler, Shumate, Shupe, Simcock, Sizemore, Smith, South, Southard, Spears, Spencer, Sperry, Stamper, Stanford, Stanley, Stansberry, Stansbury, Stevenson, Stilwell, Stone, Strange, Strunk, Strunks, Sturgill, Sullivan, Sutherland, Swindall
  19. Taylor, Terrell, Testerman, Thomas, Trimble, Tuttle
  20. Underwood, Ussery
  21. VanHoy, Vanover, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vaught
  22. Waddell, Wadsworth, Wakeman, Wallace, Walton, Wampler, Ward, Warren, Warrick, Weaver, Weiss, Welch, Wells, Whitsell, Whittington, Widener, Wiley, Williams, Wilson, Wingate, Workman, Worley, Wright, Wyatt, Wynn
  23. York, Young